Thursday, 23 June 2016

Preliminary Storyboard

The video begins with a long shot of a teenager on a skateboard jumping off the wall. The shot is at a slight low angle as the camera slowly pans right and zooms in.
The camera continues to pan across the school courtyard to show another long shot of two men in suits and sunglasses. The first few seconds of the music video are taken in one long take. The teenager on the skateboard then crosses in front of the men in suits.

The camera is then facing straight forward towards the two male characters as they walk slowly towards the camera. The camera then tracks forwards, so eventually the men will be seen close up. The pace in this shot begins in slow motion, speeds up to normal pace and then speeds up just before the next shot.

There is then another long shot of four teenage girls dancing in unison. This shot is also slowed down.

The video then cuts from an outside location to an indoor school gym. This is done by a flag being waved across the screen to reveal a stereotypical American cheerleader. This creates a smooth transition between the two locations.

There is then a shot reverse shot to another girl sitting within the crowd who appears the complete opposite from the cheerleader. The girl with glasses waves and smiles. These mid shots of both female characters interests the viewer as the relationship between these two contrasting characters is unusual.

The shot-reverse-shot then continues as the cheerleader smiles and waves at the girl in the glasses. This shot is also slowed a little for creative effect.

There is then another cut to the outdoor location, using a pan to show more dancing in a mid shot.

Then the camera cuts to another mid shot, edited in slow motion of the men in suits as they lip sync to the soundtrack. During them walking towards the camera, other students are walking past them, perhaps to reflect busy school life and create verisimilitude.

The pace speeds up to this close up of a girls bracelet, and then slows down to capture the detail of what is happening in the frame.

The long take continues as there is a zoom out from the girl's bracelet, to show the two male characters in suits walking into the school. Again the pace fluctuates, as it is speed up during the zoom out and slowed down during the tracking shot when they walk in.

There is then a white wash flash as the two men enter the school doors, changing the atmosphere of the video. The camera tracks backwards as the men walk forwards in a mid shot. They are lip syncing at this point and the video continues in slow motion.

The slow motion continues as a straight cut is used to show the cheerleader walking down the hallway. She stands out in bright pink, as the slightly out of focus school crowd fade into the background. Therefore demonstrating her significance or perhaps her power in the social hierarchy.

We then have a close up of the cheerleaders face showing her smirking as she continues down the hallway. Again in slow motion.

The men in suits then walk past the camera to reveal a mid shot of two mysterious and potential 'outcast' students, as they look suspiciously on a phone. This again is in slow motion, however the pace speeds up again when the walk of to the left.

The camera then rapidly pans to show the back of the two men in suits as they walk down the hallway in a mid shot.

We then move to a completely different location, outside the school, to a concert. The shot is a high angle shot from behind the audience. This acts as almost an establishing shot to let the viewer know the scale of the location as well as exactly where they are. The crowd don't appear to be very energetic, as they simply nod or sway to the music.

The video then cuts to a mid shot of the two girls seen previously in front of a young crowd. The girl in the glasses looks up at the cheerleader, whilst the cheerleader gaze at the stage with a large grin.

We then see the singer on stage in a partial shot-reverse-shot, to show how the characters are connected. This shot is at a slight low angle to represent him looking down on the crowd.

There is then a close up of the cheerleaders face with the background out of focus, so the viewer can fully observe her infatuated gaze with the singer.

The final shot of our 1 minute clip is a mid/long shot of the men in suits continuing down the hallway in slow motion as they lip sync, drawing in both storylines.

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