We had a limited time to plan where and how we were going to film our preliminary video. However we weren't worried about recreating the exact location and costume because the lip syncing and putting a video together in general was the most important aspect to grasp in this task. Firstly. my group and I produced a storyboard, which included the order of each shot with a short description about what was happening in the frame to make it easier when filming instead of having to rewatch the video over and over again. We then made a rough list of props that we could easily bring in the next day, to elevate our music video and make it more of a real match to the orginal Panic! At The Disco video. It was difficult to find exact location matches, although we tried to pick out the most similar locations within the school and as a result I think it turned out well. The next day we had a final few minutes of planning and had to decide what filming equipment we needed, those being a Cannon 700D camera, and a tripod. We kept it simple for our equipment as we thought that lighting wasn't neccesary because it was just a rough preliminary. Overall I think that our in depth planning really benefitted us when it came to filming because we had everything we needed and knew where to be and when.
On the day of filming I think that we worked really well as a group and spent our time efficiently. We completed all of our filming in two hours and went from location to location quickly. I don't think that we had any major problems when it came to working the camera, we played around with settings and soon refreshed our memories of how to focus correctly. We did face some struggles when it came to filming the actual shots especially because there were only three people in the group. This became diffucult eventough we had a tripod to assit us because there were a lot of pans in the video that also had three or more people in the frame. Therefore we couldn't have the correct number of people in shot as we needed something to slowly pan the camera. However we tried to overcome this be taking long shots that we would edit later, such as the opening scene with the skateboard as we left the camera on the tripod whilst myself and Melissa were standing far away ready to walk forward, and with Guy jumping off the wall to then walk around the camera to control the pan. Overall this techniques worked out okay but it could have been smoother if we had a larger group.
Due to being absent on the first day of filming I wasn't there to make informed descisions on how we should edit the shots together, however I was told by the rest of my group that the majority of editing went smoothly, with the only major issue being the lip syncing which was due to the quality of filminh the day prior. I then gave some final input the next day, helping to finalise and make small changes, which i think really helped to refresh my memory on how to edit in general. Overall I was pleased with the final result given the lack of time and resources, and am confident that with some more practice will be able to edit the lip syncing efficiently.
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