Monday, 27 June 2016

Bokeh Practice Shots

In order to prepare for my music video and digipak, I decided to test out my homemade bokeh filters to make sure that they gave the effect that I was aiming for. The process went really smoothly and was more simple than I originally thought it would be. Some of the faces are out of focus due to rushing the pictures and not using a tipod, so that is something that I need to work on if I include this technique in my actual video or digipak. Overall, I was really pleased with the result and would love to use this in my final project, and with a little more refinement I think it will create a really interesting visual effect.

Firstly, I switched the manual setting on my camera to black and white because I thought that it would create a really nice effect. I used my star shaped bokeh filter and thought that it worked really well against the dark background as the bright stars really stood out.
I then tried the same shot but with a person in focus close up withe the bokeh stars in the background. I really liked how this picture truned out and think that its perfect for a music video. The only problem I found is that I had to be really far away from the lights in order to have the persons face at a suitable position from the camera. When I first tried it out I could only focus when his eye was in the corner of the camera so I had to adjust the focus and zoom. 
Finally, I tried a simple picture in black and white using my triangle shaped bokeh filter. I also really liked how this one turned out and thought it would look really good on a city landscape. I wanted to take a closer up shot to show the detail of the shape which required making the lights extremely out of focus. Overall I really liked how this shot looks in black and white and it was one of the easier shots to get right.
I then moved on to taking pictures in colour to see how it would differ from the black and white. Overall, I really liked it and thought that the mix of coloured and white lights created a really nice, effective picture. The picture does look a little blurry, but I think that this is because I didn't use a tripod. When taking these types of pictures, it is important that the camera is still because the shutter spead is very sensitive to light. Therefore I will defineatley use a tripod when I film my final project.
I switched out the filter to my heart bokeh filter for the first time and really liked the effect it gave. This time I took a closer up shot but in colour and looking now prefer how the hearts looked compared to the stars. I think that created a nicer shape than the stars. However in saying this, I did prefer the stars in the black and white shots taken from a further distance.
I then decided to practice, using a person in front of the lights again similar to the black and white picture. Again I really liked the effect it gave especially with the warm colourful lights in the background this time. However the face was still a little out of focus which is something I will need to keep practicing as it is what I felt was most difficult. It is hard to find that balance between having the lights out of focus so the bokeh works and having the image in the foreground perfectly in focus.

The final shot that I did was another colour shot with a person in the foreground. Eventhough the face is slightly out of focus and blurred around the edges, I think that this is one of my favourite shots because I really like the effect that it gives. I think the blurred edges and the distant eyes create and almost delerious state that is seen frequently in music videos because a lot of them revolve around drugs and alcohol.

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